The Law of Ueki Wiki

This article explains about Ueki family. Ueki is a family name used by their generations, either it is from husband or wife's family name and consistant to remains the maiden surname. Ueki family's name was implanted on Haruko, thus she became Haruko Ueki.

Later after she grown up as adult, she marry with Gengoro, her boyfriend when she and Gengoro was a student of high school. After their marriage, Gengoro decided to use Haruko's family name on him, thus he became Gengoro Ueki. After the years when Haruko and Gengoro been together, Haruko has given birth to her first child, a girl one named Shoko, Shoko Ueki.

After a years when Haruko and Gengoro taking care of Shoko till she grow up about 4 years or above later, Haruko died. Haruko died because of an accident by a car, but at the same time after she passed away, Gengoro and his daughter, Shoko was on outside of their house and suddenly they saw something fell from the sky slowly. And they was shocked and also feel weird when that thing was a baby, a boy one, that has been wraped on with something that has a letters or words.

After that accident, they decided to keep him as a new family of them and Gengoro named that baby, Kosuke. Thus that baby became Kosuke Ueki and become a happy family with his new family until this day.

The end..(?)
