The Talent of Blank (空白の才, Kūhakunozai) is the winning prize obtained after winning the tournament of the Power Users. They are given a blank wooden slate and a brush with ink and put in any talent they wish for and the moment they complete writing, they instantly receive that talent.
But the talent of blank are only for in a Celestial World as it is dangerous to allowed to be used by other worlds. However the current King, the Celestial King, has decided to make the talent of blank can be used by Human World too. And that is where the Tournament of Power Users held on in Human World only and no others world should be participant as Power Users because humans physical aren't strong as others race of their world.
After the Tournament was set up for years later and begun for a many months later, Ueki successively won the Tournament after defeating Hanon in the last battle and received the winning prized of the talent of blank. Ueki wrote on it with the words of "Talent of Reunion" (Talent to Reunite in English Dub) but no one get to know it what did Ueki wrote on it until now.
[-The Talent To Reunite everyone who reads, opens, pass through, comments and edits The Law Of Ueki Wiki FANDOM. Hope we will meet again someday, everyone :)-] By: Kousuke Ueki