The Law of Ueki Wiki

Powers within “The Law of Ueki” universe are supernatural abilities given by Celestial King Candidates (or likely Celestials in general) to Junior High students, turning them into "Power Users".


During the tournament held by the Celestial King (God), several of these Powers were given to Junior High students for the purposes of battling each other for the chance at gaining the coveted "Talent of Blank".

These Powers have a commonality in that all of them involve converting a specific object into something else. The objects in question can be just anything, from physical items like trash and towels to abstract concepts like ideals and seconds.

The Power given by a Celestial King Candidate is typically chosen by their student representative (who can pick from multiple Powers as seen when Ueki chose his power from Kobayashi) but once a Power is chosen, the wielder is stuck with it and must use it to knock out their opponents and try to win the competition.

Celestial who're also Power Users often have their Sacred Weapons affected by their powers, often mixing both of them together as evident by Ueki’s Sacred Weapons being made from trees. However, some users (like Hanon) have shown the ability to separate their power from their Weapons.

Limiting Condition[]

Powers usually come with a "limiting condition" or a requirement which must be met before the Power can be activated, breaking or failing to meet this demand typically results in the Power doing absolutely nothing.

However, not all powers are created equal, some have limits that are simple to meet and so rarely interfere with the user in battle (such as Ueki or Sano's) whilst others are incredibly convoluted and specific (like Ai Mori and Carpaccio's), making it difficult for the user to activate them when in a pinch; this is usually balanced out by the power being extremely strong or versatile in battle.

An interesting application of the limiting condition was used by Yunpao, who tricked his opponents into believing his requirement for activating his power was performing a bizarrely specific dance when it was just a distraction from his real prerequisite: Keeping his eyes wide open.

Level Two[]

For more information, see Level Two[]

When a person has mastered their power and possesses the conviction to win at all costs, they're able to evolve their power to a higher stage, known simply as “Level Two”.

While some of these Powers usually complement their existing one and increase it's effectiveness (E.g. Sano’s causing his iron to generate powerful magnetic fields or Baron's paralyzing all those within one meter of his knife when he teleports), there do exist Level Two Powers which are unique and have very little in common with the original power (E.g. Robert’s power to alter gravity or Ueki's power to dispel the powers of others).

Celestial Power Users have the added burden of their own Sacred Weapons interfering with their ability to reach Level Two, making it far more difficult for them to achieve it. In fact, the only known Celestials to successfully unlock their Level Twos are Robert Haydn and Kosuke Ueki, with the latter only achieving his after temporarily giving up the usage of his Sacred Weapons. 
