The Law of Ueki Wiki
Kageo Kuroki
1 Kageo Kuroki
Kanji 黒木 影男
Rōmaji Kuroki Kageo
Gender Male
Race Humans
Hair color Black
Eye color Gray
Occupation Student
Abilities Turning shadows into clay men
Team Robert's Ten
Misc. Information
Anime debut The Law of Training Under Onimon
Japanese voice actor Yusei Oda
English voice actor Jeffrey Watson

Kageo Kuroki (黒木 影男, Kuroki Kageo), or Kurokage, is a power user and a member of the Robert's Ten. He is known as Black Shadow and can turn shadows into clay figures. He can create more than one clay man and even alter their appearance. This confuses the enemy and thus keeps them from finding the real Black Shadow. His favorite technique though is to create a giant clay man. However, if the sun disappears, his power also diminishes.

He was the captain of his school basketball team, but because of an unfair ruling that disqualified his team from entering a tournament, he became the unemotional person who joined ranks with Robert. During his fight with Ueki, he was defeated by a fellow member of Robert's Ten. Ueki luckily got through to him (with the help of Kuroki's little brother) and even though he was knocked unconscious he becomes good again.
